5 Reasons Brand Identity is Crucial

A strong, recognizable brand identity can make all the difference in terms of brand awareness and growth. So, what is brand identity and why is it so important?

What is Brand Identity?

Your brand identity is what separates you from every other Tom, Dick, and Harry on the block. Everything from your logo and website to signage and business cards is what makes up your brand identity.

When talking about brand identity, we’re looking at all of the visual elements that could be used to promote a business. For example:

  • Business Cards
  • Stationary
  • Signage
  • Product Packaging
  • Print Materials (flyers, brochures, etc.)
  • Apparel
  • Website
  • Logo

The Customer Experience

When it comes to building and strengthening a brand, a consistent and professional brand identity is key. Forming and preserving a brand identity is not an easy feat – it requires your entire team to be on the same page across all channels of media. Whether a customer visits your website, your Facebook page, or your storefront, you want them to have the same experience; a great experience that is unique to your brand. Once you’ve curated your brand identity, a great way to ensure cohesiveness across the entire front is through the use of guidelines. A brand identity guideline acts as a manual for your staff to reference when joining your team and becoming part of your brand’s voice.

Let’s dive into the 5 reasons a solid brand identity is crucial for your business.

1. Personality

Your brand identity is essentially the visual representation of your business’s personality. The design you go with sets the tone of your brand. Did you know colors, words, and other visual elements can be used to evoke specific feelings in people? All of this should be taken into consideration when looking at the design of your brand. Additionally, your brand identity should promote your business goals and clearly communicate your company’s overall message.

2. Brand Awareness

There’s no denying that a solid brand identity will increase brand awareness. With a focus on brand awareness, it’s important to create an identity package that has your brand at the forefront of all marketing materials. The more places your brand is featured, the more it will be seen by consumers, and the more memorable it will be.

3. Consistency

Establishing a brand identity allows you to create a consistent message across all platforms. From font choice and colors to choice in wording, each piece should feature the same style and design elements in order to create a cohesive branding package.

4. Separates You From the Competition

Differentiating yourself from the competition is an obvious reason to establish a clear brand identity. A professional, distinguishable brand design will help you reach potential customers in your market and not get lost in the mix.

5. Trust & Loyalty

This is arguably one of the most important reasons to have a clear brand identity, if not the most important. Consumer trust and loyalty are earned not only by exceptional products and services but also through an established brand identity. It allows consumers to make a connection between a product and the company. You might have a great product or service but without a clear brand identity across major platforms like your website and social media, it may be difficult for consumers to find you, connect with you, and lead others to you.

There you have it. Brand identity is crucial in establishing anything mentioned above. If you’re looking to create or revamp your brand identity, get in touch with us! We work with clients to establish a brand design that accurately reflects them and their business. From logo design to website development, and everything in between, we can help! Contact us today.

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